domingo, 3 de enero de 2010


I used these videos as part of a lesson on Pablo Picasso. The first is a three dimensional presentation of Guernica. In the second video, a character from Guernica moves through famous paintings (by Van Gogh, Dalí and Escher) before falling into place in Picasso’s painting. The first video lends itself to simply listing the people and objects. The second video works well as a prompt for narration in the past (El hombre se despertó, se levantó de la cama, y vio el cuarto donde estaba. Luego, hizo unos pasos hacia atrás y de repente se encontró en un desierto…).

In addition, Observatorio – una obra de arte diaria, has short comments in Spanish as you move the mouse over Guernica. The site also has explanations of many other works of art. Click on
Maquina del tiempo at the top of the site to see the list.

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